Skills gaps could be filled by more accessible and credible professional assessment

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Feb. 16 2015 – Government and professional bodies can play a much bigger role in addressing the deepening Middle East skills crisis, according to computer-based testing company Pearson VUE.

Matthew Poyiadgi, Vice President of EMEA at the company, said: “Filling the six million new GCC jobs that will be created in the next five years, according to the IMF, whilst meeting nationalisation targets will require far greater access to professional learning and assessment, new professional learning pathways in high demand skills areas and continuing adoption of international best practices in assessment.”

A recent survey amongst over 30,000 IT professionals by Pearson VUE found significant impact for professional skills training and assessment. Over six in ten Middle Eastern IT exam candidates who responded to the survey said the qualification they gained had a positive impact on their professional image or reputation. More than half saw their first professional benefit within six months of achieving certification and a fifth experienced the benefits immediately.

Matthew added: “We see our role as facilitating the discussion of raising awareness of the new and existing solutions that can make a difference to young people, adults and employers across the Middle East.

“Certainly we are beginning to see adoption of technologies, new certification programmes and pathways and credible assessment content but there is greater need for education and adoption amongst those responsible for policy, for setting standards and for developing new professional certifications.”

A conference to be held on 17th March will highlight new technologies such as MOOCs, how to build credibility with assessment and the use of both test centre networks and online test delivery using remote proctors. It will also look at how to develop new certifications and pathways, and crucially provide best practice insights into creating assessment content and item banks.