Malaysia Service Tax FAQs
Pearson VUE US is a business of NCS Pearson, Inc. and has the following tax registrations:
NCS Pearson, Inc.
5601 Green Valley Drive
Bloomington, MN 55437
The US Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 41-0850527
Taxpayer ID is displayed on receipts / invoices upon purchase through Pearson VUE's system on or after 01-September-2021.
Malaysia Service Tax – On 01 September 2021, Pearson VUE will collect Malaysia Service Tax on all sales made to customers in Malaysia.
All sales made into Malaysia are impacted.
Malaysia has introduced a new law applying Service Tax to international sales of services provided to customers in Malaysia. This means overseas businesses such as NCS Pearson Inc will be required to charge service tax on these sales.
Reverse charge provisions do not apply in Malaysia.
Voucher Store Customers
Please send an email to the Pearson VUE Voucher Store with your company name and proof of exemption. Pearson VUE will confirm once the system has been configured for your company to be exempt.
NOTE: Any orders placed prior to your company being marked as exempt will be subject to GST.
Test Center Administrators
No, the test center statement will not change.
When a candidate registers with Pearson VUE’s contact center or Pearson VUE’s website, Pearson VUE emails the candidate a payment confirmation.
When the candidate registers for an exam with the Test Center AND VUE Credit Terms are used as the payment method, Pearson VUE does not send the candidate a payment receipt. Instead, the test center administrator should do this.
When the candidate registers for an exam with the Test Center AND a credit card is used Pearson VUE emails the candidate a payment confirmation. If the payment was made using a Test Center business credit card, please make sure that the Billing Information is correct on the order payment screen. The default can be to the candidates address, but can be changed as needed.