Tips for taking your exam online
Taking an exam with OnVUE, Pearson VUE’s online testing system, is flexible, convenient and easy. However, it also has unique rules and requirements. For the best experience possible, check out the tips below to prepare for your exam.
Note: For even more in-depth information, download our helpful guide to taking your exam online.

Make sure you have the right equipment
When testing online, you’ll provide your own computer equipment, so be sure you’ve got the following before exam day:
- Required: a desktop or a laptop computer. Tablets can only be used as a screen, paired with an external keyboard. Touch screens cannot be used for your exam.
- Required: a single monitor. Remove any extra monitors from the testing room, or at least unplug them before taking your test-space photos during check-in.
- Required if using an external monitor with a laptop: an external mouse, keyboard, and webcam, and the lid of your laptop must remain closed throughout your exam.
- Recommended: a personal computer rather than an employer-issued computer, which may have additional security settings that can interfere with your exam.
Use the best internet connection possible
A connection failure or interruption can interfere with, or even end, your online testing session. To avoid disconnection:
- Use a wired internet connection rather than Wi-Fi, if possible.
- If using Wi-Fi, ask that other household members do not use the internet during your exam.
- Disconnect any VPNs if you have them; OnVUE does not work well with VPNs.
Run a system test (or two)
About one week before you’d like to take your exam, find out if your computer and internet connection will work with the OnVUE software. Go to your program’s online testing page, click Run system test, and follow the instructions.

By running this test using the same computer and internet connection you plan to use for your exam, you can feel confident about your setup. Plus, you get a preview of the check-in and exam launch processes.
We suggest running the system test at approximately the same time of day you expect to take your exam, to get a better feel for the internet connection you’re likely to have. If you run the system test at 10:00 pm and take your exam at 2:00 pm, the bandwidth available may be quite different.
We recommend running the system test again two to three days before your exam. This will identify any issues that might arise from automatic software downloads, background upgrades, etc.
The system test check-in and exam are only simulated. Your answer to the sample exam question posed will not be checked or retained. You can run the system test as many times as needed.
If your setup fails the system test or doesn’t meet minimum requirements, you can take your exam at a testing center instead.
Choose and prep your testing space
The place where you’ll take your exam is one of your most crucial decisions. For best results, prepare your testing environment before exam day to ensure it will be:
- Private: Ideally, choose an enclosed space that allows for privacy and prevents others from entering or even passing through once you’ve started your exam. Avoid testing near windows or glass partitions to prevent others from viewing your screen.
- Quiet: Background noise may distract proctors monitoring your exam session and could interfere with your session.
- Free from interruptions: Inform any other members of your household that you are taking an exam and cannot be interrupted during it.
- Well lit: Proctors must be able to see you and your testing space well. Too much background light (natural or electric) could create visibility issues for your proctor, so avoid sitting in front of a window or other strong light.
- Cleared of personal and preparatory items: Clear your desk/workspace of all personal and preparatory items, except for those allowed by your exam program, which must be on the desk during check-in. Keep your mobile phone in the room where you’re testing, but out of arm’s reach; it must be available should we need to contact you.
Start the check-in process
To check in for your exam, sign in just as you did when scheduling it, either on your exam program’s external landing page or your program’s online testing page. Next, find your exam and click the Begin Exam button.
Note: Check-in is available 30 minutes before to 15 minutes after your scheduled appointment time. Completing your check-in early will not allow you to start your exam early.
- Click the Copy Access Code button when you see it; the access code is your unique code for your OnVUE testing session.
- A final system check will take place, and you’ll re-download the OnVUE application. (You don’t need to delete any previously downloaded versions of OnVUE.)
- Before launching the software, close all other applications running on your computer. If you do not, OnVUE will attempt this automatically, but this could disrupt your exam start.
- On Microsoft Windows, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to access Task Manager.
- On a Mac, press Command+Option+Esc to access Force Quit.
- After you’ve downloaded OnVUE and closed all other applications, you’ll need to run it manually either from the screen you are on or from the folder it was downloaded to; for security reasons, it will not run automatically.
Tips for capturing your photos
Prior to beginning your exam, you’ll provide photos of yourself, your ID and your testing space. A mobile phone works best for capturing these photos, but you can use a webcam as well. The system will guide you through the process, which includes:
Headshot photos: Your headshot is compared to your ID photo to make sure the right person takes the exam; it may also be included on your score report. Tips for taking headshots:
- Take your headshot in front of a solid background using good lighting
- Prompts will indicate any adjustments needed to get a good photo — just follow the instructions
ID photos: We use both artificial intelligence and a greeter to check and authenticate your ID and verify your identity. You’ll take photos differently depending on the type of ID you’re using, as follows:
- Driver’s license, government-issued ID or other approved ID card: capture front and back, including all four corners
- Passport: capture photo page only, including all four corners
Testing space photos: You will take four photos of your testing space. These are used for reference during the testing session and for quality control, security, and auditing purposes, so try to get the clearest shots possible.
Note: We delete check-in photos according to regulations in the country where you test.
For security purposes, you’ll be recorded
Once you submit your photos and arrive at the screen shown below, you will be recorded and your photos reviewed by an OnVUE greeter. The greeter will either start your exam without contacting you or will chat/call you to work through any issues. When the exam is started, if you either leave the webcam view or are using your mobile phone while waiting, your exam will be revoked.

While under exam conditions, remain within the webcam’s view in the same room where your testing area photos were taken. Do not use your mobile device unless we call you directly.
Dealing with technical issues
Your proctor attempts to resolve technical issues in real time. If an issue cannot be resolved, the proctor will file a case on your behalf. This leads to one of two outcomes, depending on when the issue occurred:
- Before the exam started: We may either reschedule or cancel your exam appointment, which provides you a refund or reinstates your original voucher where applicable.
- During your exam: We will provide a voucher for a new appointment.
Creating a support ticket
Typically, you shouldn’t need to create a support ticket. If disconnected from the proctor and unable to resume your exam, we will create a case on your behalf. If you wish to raise the issue yourself, however, you can contact Pearson VUE Customer Support by chat or phone.
- Chat is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Phone support varies by region. Find phone support information for your region on the Pearson VUE Customer Support webpage.