Lay the foundation for their


A fundamental certification for those entering the IT workforce or switching paths.

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Training and skills validation across the IT spectrum

An IT Specialist Certification from Pearson validates knowledge of a broad range of topics including software development, networking, and security. Curriculum and practice tools provide foundational training for professionals seeking to embark on a career in IT. The IT Specialist program comprises and builds upon the same topics as the former Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) program.

Everything you need to get your  students or staff certified

Now you can prepare your students or staff for the IT workforce with valuable learning materials, practice tests, and certification exams. Best of all? Supplementing your curriculum with these materials is easy and seamless.

  • Video-based e-learning courseware
  • Interactive labs
  • Prescriptive study guides

Earn college credit through ACE Learning Evaluations

Find out how



Do you need to schedule, reschedule or cancel an exam? Sign in here, otherwise,
our representatives are happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

Exam Grievance: If you've taken your IT Specialist exam and would like to file
a grievance to an item on the exam, please fill out the grievance form.