A partner program with one focus—expanding your business
Whether you’re a training center looking to build revenue or a testing center seeking to enter the lucrative training market, the Pearson Skilling Partner Program delivers the tools and support you need to thrive in the competitive technology skilling environment.

Unlock growth and profitability with exclusive partner benefits

Growth without the growing pains
Managing your business is easier than ever with Pearson Complete Management Suite. You’ll have robust tools to track instructor schedules, manage classes, and monitor student progress. Pearson Complete offers a quality learning experience with the latest courseware, contextualized live labs, and practice tests that give learners a seamless path to certification.
"We've created a one-of-a-kind partner program to help grow your business. Get listed in our Training Finder to gain leads and enjoy exclusive discounts to resell seats in live classes so you never miss a training opportunity."
- Attribution: PSV employee (maybe Theresa)