Further PTE centres approved to deliver secure English language testing for people wanting to work, live or study in the UK

  • Press Release

Pearson has announced a second wave of locations, including India and the UK, where people can now take PTE as a Secure English Language Test (SELT) for UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) purposes.

Today the UK Government approved Pearson to open bookings for SELTs in a further 72 locations. This includes the first 8 centres in the UK and 15 centres in India as well as centres in Japan, Egypt, Philippines, South Africa, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia and Singapore, amongst others.

Bookings can be taken at all locations, with 57 of these locations open now to deliver testing, and the remaining 15 to open once individual COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. The tests will be delivered through the Pearson VUE test centre network. Pearson VUE test centres follow health and safety guidance provided by global health organizations and local governments. Amid COVID-19, the test centres operate with increased disinfecting and hygienic procedures and additional social distancing measures to support the safety of testing candidates and staff.

Pearson’s SELT tests are as follows:

  • PTE Academic (UKVI) - a four skills language test accepted for work and study visas. It tests speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
  • PTE Home - a two skills language test accepted for family, settlement, citizenship applications as well as Sportsperson and Representative of an Overseas Business applications. It tests speaking and listening skills.

Today’s news follows our announcement last month of the first wave of locations to start delivering SELT. It is expected that all remaining SELT testing locations will become operational this summer.

For more information on the UK Home Office Visas and Immigration process click here.

Media contacts

Kasia Reardon
07702 512 312