- Innovation
Computer-based testing platform Pearson VUE today launched the ‘Pearson Undergraduate Entrance Exam’ in India.
The new ‘Pearson Undergraduate Entrance Exam’, being extensively rolled out within the India market is a standardized test of quantitative, verbal and abstract reasoning. The admissions test is aimed at assessing the aptitude and suitability of students in order to enable them to secure a place at a top university in India.
The exam is specifically designed to change the way students are assessed in India at the important university admissions stage. It will be the first exam of its kind where students only need to sit for one entrance test in order to be admitted to various universities (which accept the exam) across the country.

Providing test-takers with the flexibility of taking their admissions exam anytime, anywhere, is integral to the exam delivery model. Candidates will be able to choose between taking their exam at a Pearson VUE Test Center (PVTC) or at home via online proctoring solution OnVUE.
The test format comprises 108 multiple choice questions and one essay question, taken in one continuous sitting by the candidate. The test was designed to test a varied range of skills required by a prospective undergraduate, requiring no specialist knowledge in any particular subject. Overseas students planning to study in India will also be able to take the test.
Registrations for the exam’ will start from January 11, 2021. Students will have a six-month testing window as well as the ability to reschedule their exam.