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Qualification Certificate


To optimize user experience, Baidu Certification candidate login system on Pearson VUE platform was upgraded on November 20th, 2023. If you have a Baidu account prior to Nov 20, 2023, please use the same username and reset you password to login.

As of November 14th, 2023, Baidu exam delivery outside mainland China will be suspended.

Baidu Certification for Europe is divided into two levels: 

Baidu certification levels

Baidu Fundamental Certification and Primary Certification

Certificate Subject Code Subject Name
Fundamental Certification EBAI-010 Baidu Certification Fundamental Examination(Europe Only)
Primary Certification EBAI-020 Baidu Certification Primary Examination(Europe Only)

MPS Setting for One Subject: In order to pass, candidates need to meet the Minimum Passing Score which is set to be 70 points (100-Point Grading Scale) in one subject.

1. Baidu Certification Fundamental Examination(Europe Only)

Certificate Object: Baidu Certification Fundamental Examination(Europe Only) is open to the all individuals engaging in Digital Marketing in Europe. All that pass Baidu Certification Fundamental Examination can obtain the title and certificate of BCMS.

Qualifications: Applicants should be familiar with commercial products of Baidu Inc. as well as the operation and management of promoted accounts, and fundamental experience in account operation is also required. If you are not able to meet the requirements, you can participate in the corresponding courses provided by the authorized European partner, Forward3D of Baidu Inc. (Course info:

Test Subject: Baidu Certification Fundamental Course includes only one subject. Passing the corresponding exam, you will be certified.

Process: Passing the computer-bases exam of Pearson VUE, you will be certified by Baidu Certification.

Validity period: The certificate is valid for 2 years.

The Knowledge System of Fundamental Examination

Content of Fundamentals Exam

2. Baidu Certification Primary Examination(Europe Only)

Certificate Object: Baidu Certification Primary Examination(Europe Only) is open to the all individuals engaging in Digital Marketing in Europe. All that pass Baidu Certification Primary Examination can obtain the title and certificate of BCMC.

Qualifications: Applicants should be familiar with commercial products of Baidu Inc., the Search+Feed methodology and advertising basics, and be able to manage the promoting account and analyze the data independently. If you are not able to meet the requirements, you can participate in the corresponding courses provided by authorized European partner, Forward3D of Baidu Inc. (Course info:

Test Subject: Baidu Certification Primary Course includes only one subject. Passing the corresponding exam, you will be certified.

Process: Passing the machine test of Pearson VUE, you will be certified by Baidu Certification.

Validity period: The certificate is valid for 2 years.

The Knowledge System of Primary Examination

Contents of primary exam

Contact us

Office hours

24/7 for each country (except where listed below); closed on local holidays.

Telephone numbers

Toll-free customer service numbers are available in the following countries. If your country is not listed, please use the toll number at the bottom of this section.

Country Number
Australia 1800-023-095
China (Mainland) 4001-200832
(Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. local time)
Hong Kong 3071-4601
India 0008004401837
Japan 0120 355 173
(Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. local time)
Korea, South 080-7600-880
Malaysia 1800-880-401
New Zealand 0800-451-260
Philippines 1800-1441-0321
Singapore 8004-481-552
Taiwan 0800-666-022
(Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. local time)
Other (Toll) +852 3077 4923
(Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. AEST)