Voucher ordering process:
- Review voucher prices.
- Fill out the voucher order form and provide payment.
Please Note: Exam prices increase on 1st January. Increment (“top-up”) vouchers can be purchased to be used in combination with your existing vouchers
- There is no volume discount for CGMA PQ® vouchers and CGMA FLP® vouchers.
- There is a minimum requirement of ten (10) vouchers per order.
- All vouchers are pre-paid. Vouchers are non-refundable and non-returnable.
- Vouchers expire 12 months from the date they are issued. Voucher expiration dates cannot be extended. The exam must be taken by the expiration date printed on the voucher.
- Exam prices increase on 1st January. Increment (“top-up”) vouchers can be purchased to be used in combination with your existing vouchers
- Please purchase the relevant vouchers dependent on the test centre’s country location where these vouchers will be redeemed.
If you have a special pricing arrangement with the testing program:
- Select the desired voucher with the standard price listed.
- Mention the special arrangement in the Additional Information section.
- Complete the remainder of the form as required.
You will only be charged once the price is adjusted, and the order is approved.