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Earn an HCLSoftware Certification
The HCLSoftware Certification Exams enable customers, partners, technology professionals and enthusiasts to build credibility and confidence by validating their expertise on the functional and technical aspects of the HCLSoftware suite of solutions.
HCL AppScan, HCL BigFix, HCL Domino, HCL Unica, HCL Volt MX, and HCL Workload Automation product exams are components of the HCLSoftware Certification Program. The exams are computer-based assessments of knowledge, competencies, and skills on the related products.
This program is intended to offer role-based certifications for Administrators and Developers who can confidently install, deploy, customize, develop, and support our products.
Prepare for your Exam
Download Exam Guides for specific certification exam details.
Explore HCLSoftware education to find training and resources to help you prepare for your certification.
Exam Delivery Options
You have the option to take any HCLSoftware certification exam in person at a Pearson VUE® Authorized Test Center or online with OnVUE in the comfort and privacy of your home.
Testing online with the OnVUE system is flexible, convenient, and easy — but there are unique requirements you should be familiar with. For example, you’ll need a private, distraction-free space to take the exam. A system test will show if your computer and internet are sufficient. And you’ll be monitored by proctors and assistive AI tools during the test. Weigh your options »
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Last updated 2024-11-06