HPE Certification and Learning Exam Voucher Store
Buy certification exam vouchers online today.
Paying by credit card
Please find the country where your exam will be taken. Voucher prices vary by country and a voucher purchased for one country may not be valid in another.
Developed countries
If your country is listed below, please visit the developed countries voucher store to purchase vouchers.
- Åland Islands
- Andorra
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Canada
- Curaçao
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greenland
- Guernsey
- Hong Kong
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Isle of Man
- Italy
- Japan
- Jersey
- Korea, South
- Liechtenstien
- Luxembourg
- Monaco
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Portugal
- Saint Martin
- San Marino
- Singapore
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Vatican City State
Emerging countries
All other countries not listed above are emerging, please visit the emerging countries voucher store to purchase vouchers.
Paying by wire, PO or check
If you are going to purchase your vouchers by wire, PO, check and credit card (including all purchases from China and Russia), please visit our voucher store.