FAQs for IBM Exam Item Type Demo

IBM exams may contain any combination of the following item types:

Multiple Choice: All answer options are provided at one time and the test taker selects the options(s) that answer the question.

Build List: The test taker is asked to arrange the provided options into a sequential list.

Hot Area: The test taker is shown an image and is asked to click on the area(s) of the image that answer the question provided.

The answers for questions using the item types listed above may be reviewed and changed prior to completing the exam.

Performance Items: The test taker is given a lab environment and asked to complete a set of tasks based on the information provided. Please note that once a performance item has been submitted, it may not be reviewed again.


Demo Exam

A Demo Exam containing a sample question for each item type with the exception of performance items, is available in the following languages:


Performance-based Testing

IBM performance-based Testing Overview frame YouTube video player
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