To schedule, reschedule and cancel exam:
ICITP certification program
New candidates: if you have not previously registered or tested with Pearson VUE, please select the 'Create account' button on this page to set up your web account. After agreeing to the Privacy Policy, select the option 'No' in response to the first question ('Do you know your ICITP Membership ID?') before moving onto complete the personal details section. You will then be provided with a ICITP Testing ID which will be your unique candidate ID for your profile with Pearson VUE.
Existing Candidates: Please use the 'Sign in' option on this page to enter the username and password that you set up when you created your Pearson VUE web account.
ICITP - The Institute of Chartered IT Professionals is the prestigious Information Technology Professional Body creating the IT profession in Southern African, the rest of Africa and the world at large. ICITP is dedicated to managing the IT profession, making sure that competency, recognition and professionalism is effectively promoted in Information Technology at all levels.
The objective of ICITP is to create a structured and yet vibrant environment for its members to become the next generation of high-impact entrepreneurs, turning their I.T. based skills into business ideas and into actual start-up and successful ventures.
Certified and Chartered IT Professionals play important role in IT businesses all around the world. They help achieve the overall objective of the business by working as business partners rather than just an employee.
The Institute Of Chartered IT Professionals (ICITP) seeks to advance youth and graduates employability, entrepreneurship, and social inclusion by addressing challenges surrounding integrating graduates and young people into the employment market, highlighting innovative approaches and uses of ICTs, and providing pathways to boost self-development, knowledge, and skills.
ICITP always update its qualification, professional experience requirements and CPD program. This ensures that our members are first choice for employers who are recruiting qualified IT practitioners and trained IT business leaders. ICITP is committed to upholding the highest ethical and professional standards, and to maintaining public confidence in Information Technology.
For more information about ICITP®, our qualifications, or memberships go to the ICITP website or email us.
Our Professional Designations
The ICT industry faces a critical shortfall of entrepreneurial and business skills and it does not have enough jobs for all of its experienced professionals. There is lack of people with entrepreneurial and strong management skills and experience in the ICT industry. The ICITP qualifications are designed to solve these problems.
The ICITP certifications aim to create specialized business orientated Information Technology Practitioner whom have the skills and knowledge to deal with management development challenges such as the management of technology, entrepreneurship, project management, the management of innovation, the management of people and the management of systems.
Information Technology Certified Professional™ (ITCP)
The ITCP™ is the entry-level qualification of ICITP, designed to create specialized practitioners in Information Technology whom are practically component and have business skills. The ITCP™ qualification is focused on practical competency and business skills. The ITCP™ syllabus covers core business skills such as information management, entrepreneurship, financial management, etc.
Passing the Information Technology Certified Professional™ (ITCP) board exam, makes you eligible for the Chartered Information Technology Professional® (CITP) upon meeting the board exam and practical competency requirements.
Chartered Information Technology Professional® (CITP)
The CITP qualification is designed to create Information Technology Practitioners with high-level managerial skills (C-level Professionals) and the ability to structure and manage a large enterprise.
The CITP syllabus covers core high-level managerial skills such as strategic management, enterprise architecture, service management, solution development, implementation, etc.
Test Preparation
Candidates can purchase prescribed books and study for the exams on their own.
ICITP Learning Partners
Ensure your training investment by selecting only authorized ICITP Training Partners. Only ICITP Authorized Learning Partners deliver the latest ICITP curriculum and authorized training relevant to the professional certification. Going through an authorized training provider ensures that you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to becoming a successful Information Technology Practitioner.
Test Registration and Scheduling
To schedule your exam you will first need to create a Pearson VUE account and follow the instructions given.
If you have previously taken an ICITP exam with Pearson VUE and/or already have a VUE web account, just sign in to your web account.
Please contact Pearson VUE customer service if you have any questions about scheduling your exam.
Important information about your exam appointment
You should arrive at the test centre at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time to complete the necessary centre sign-in procedures. If you arrive more than 15 minutes later than your scheduled start time, you may not be permitted to take the exam and you will have to schedule (and pay for) a new appointment.
Please read the information in these drop-down sections so that you are familiar with all of the requirements for sitting an exam:
When you arrive at the Pearson VUE test centre on the day of your exam appointment, before being permitted to enter the exam room, you will be required to confirm your identity by presenting 2 forms of accepted ID (view the Pearson VUE ID Policy). All IDs must be current and valid (not expired). If you arrive at the test centre without the required IDs, you will not be permitted to test and you will have to schedule a new appointment.
Note: The following IDs are NOT considered acceptable for testing with Pearson VUE because they do not meet all of the necessary criteria:
- South Africa: the South African ID Book (does not bear the signature of the holder)
- Ghana: Electoral Commission of Ghana Voter Card (does not bear the signature of the holder)
If, after reading this information, you are unsure whether your ID meets with the requirements, or if you have additional questions, please contact Pearson VUE Customer Service.
You will be given a printed document listing the Candidate Rules. Please read the rules carefully and hand the document back to the Test Administrator. During the check-in process, when you sign your signature, you are signing to confirm that you agree to follow these rules.
Candidates are not permitted to take any personal belongings into the test room. This includes mobile phones or other electronic devices, books, notes or notepaper, watches, wallets, photographic devices, bags, hats, pens or any other writing utensils, mascots, sweets or any kind of food or drink. You will be asked to store any personal belongings in a secure area (usually a locker, situated in the waiting area) as indicated by the test centre staff.
Before the test centre administrator can allow you to enter the exam room, he/she is required to carry out several procedures.
The Test Administrator may ask you to do some or all of the following:
- Remove outdoor clothing and store it. If you insist on taking it in to the testing room, the item may be visually inspected, or you may be asked to demonstrate that there are no items in the pockets.
- Pat yourself down or turn out your pockets, to demonstrate that you have not forgotten to store any item which is not permitted in the test room.
- You could be asked to roll up your sleeves to show there are no concealed notes.
- If you are wearing a tie, you may be asked to lift it up to show that there are no items concealed beneath it. Similarly, you may be asked to lift up your hair to show your ears or neck and to demonstrate there are no concealed items.
- The Administrator may ask to visually inspect other items such as reading glasses or jewellery.
After checking your name and exam and their schedule, the Test Administrator will ask you to provide your signature using an electronic signature pad, to show that you agree to follow the candidate rules that you have just read. Also, your signature will be compared with the signatures on the IDs that you presented, as an additional way of confirming your identity.
Your photograph will be taken during the check-in process. Your photo will display on your exam workstation screen if you take a break, to be sure of returning back to the correct workstation upon returning from your break.
You will not be permitted to use 'scratchpaper' during your exam. In case you wish to make notes during your test, the test centre will provide you with an erasable noteboard and a non-permanent marker pen. During your test, if you fill up all the useable space on the noteboard, do not attempt to wipe it; instead, raise your hand and the Test Administrator will replace the used noteboard with a new one. At the end of the exam, you must return these materials to the Test Administrator before you leave the test centre.
You will be continuously monitored during your exam, to ensure proper exam conditions are maintained, and also to promptly address any problems you may have. Different test centers have different methods of monitoring: via a viewing window, via CCTV cameras, or sometimes a Test Administrator (invigilator) may be sitting inside the test room.
If you have any problem during your exam, you should raise your hand and await the Test Administrator. Note that the Administrator is not permitted to assist with any questions relating to the exam content itself.
On the first few screens you see as you take your exam, you will be prompted to accept a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), to indicate that you agree not to violate the confidentiality of the exam content. Once you select ‘Yes’, you will be able to start your exam as normal. If you do not select ‘Yes’, your exam will terminate and you will need to follow the instructions of the Test Administrator who will process you out of the test centre.
When you have completed your exam you should raise your hand to notify the Test Administrator who will then quietly escort you out of the test room. It is important you remain as quiet as possible when entering or leaving the test room, to avoid causing a distraction to other candidates.
During the check-out process, you will receive a printed score report showing the result of your exam.
Contact us
Office hours
Monday–Friday, 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. CT; closed on local holidays.
Telephone numbers
- 888-654-1230 (toll-free)
- +1-312-392-1365 (toll)