Neptune Software

Neptune Software Professional Certification Program

Neptune Software’s Certifications are designed to ensure individuals have the knowledge and skills to successfully become a certified Neptune Software developer. These certifications reflect a certain level of skill a developer has regarding working with either Neptune DXP or Neptune DXP Open Edition. The developer skill’s are tested at three levels: foundational entry-level, an advanced developer skillset, and expert level. Each level covers a wide range of developer critical knowledge which is required to work on Neptune DX (Open Edition) Platform. For detailed information on individual certification requirements, please visit


Exam appointments may be made in advance or on the day you wish to test, subject to availability. The exam/appointment testing time limit noted on Pearson VUE web pages reflects the total appointment time, including an NDA, exam time, and survey.

Neptune Software Certification Exams and Exam Preparation

Neptune Software’s Certification exams are components of the Neptune Software Certification Program. The exams are computer-based assessments of knowledge, competencies, and skills related to disciplines such as Implementation and/or Maintenance and use a multiple-choice format.

Recommended courses and/or study materials are available to prepare for Neptune Software's Certification exams. For more information, please visit

Neptune Software Certification Program Agreement

Prior to starting Neptune Software’s Certification exam, you will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions of Neptune Software’s Certification Program Agreement.

Exam Retake Policy

If, for any reason, an attendee is unable to attend a booked exam, the attendee has the possibility to rebook the exam free of charge. However, if the attendee does not show up for the exam (no-show), a fee of 50 euros will be applied. If the attendee had a no-show, there is a possibility to apply for a one-time 50-euro discount voucher to rebook the exam for another date.

Exam Vouchers

Simplify administrative tasks with exam vouchers. Vouchers are prepaid exam certificates that enable corporations to manage the administration of the certification program centrally and eliminate paperwork by distributing vouchers electronically. Order your Neptune Software exam vouchers today.

Contact us

Office hours

Monday–Friday, 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. CT; closed on local holidays.

Telephone numbers

800-511-6951 (toll-free)

Last updated 2024-11-06