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Rocheston Professional Certification Program
Rocheston Certifications are designed to ensure individuals have the knowledge and skills to successfully deal with the current dynamic global business landscape. These programs are carefully and comprehensively designed to impart the best of knowledge and understanding about Innovation, Big Data, IoT, and Business Leadership and help professionals and companies achieve business excellence. Rocheston’s Certification programs are designed to foster innovation, create excellence and maintain standards.
Find the Right Professional Certification
Certified Chief Innovation Officer (CCIO)
This program is aimed at leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives interested in questioning the rules and challenging the status quo. Anyone with a desire to get a strong grasp on innovation and work towards excellence is eligible to join the Rocheston’s CCIO program.
Rocheston Certified IoT Engineer (RCIE)
Tap into the potential of IoT and all the possibilities that it brings to businesses. This program is made up of a comprehensive set of modules that provide both an understanding and insight into developments in networking, communication devices, data management and analytics, embedded systems and user interface design.
Certified Master of Business Leadership (CMBL)
The CMBL is a carefully tailored program that aims at sculpting leaders and innovators. It is the future yard stick that will be used to judge the skill of executives striving to bring about a change in this world.
Certified Big Data Analyst (CBDA)
Think of a business that relies on quick, agile decisions to stay competitive, and most likely big data analytics is involved in making that business tick. This program will help in improving your speed, efficiency and decision-making skills.
Rocheston Certified Cybersecurity Engineer (RCCE)
There is a growing need for an equally sophisticated cybersecurity framework with the increased dependence on interconnected cloud technologies. Rocheston offers two levels of Extreme Hacking® Training. The RCCE Level 1 covers foundational hacking technologies enabling students to become Cybersecurity Professionals, whereas the RCCE Level 2 covers advanced futuristic hacking tools that will train students to become Cybersecurity Experts.
Rocheston Certified Blockchain Engineer (RCBE)
This program intends to equip you with ample knowledge to take on the prevailing circumstances at most dynamic blockchain protocols with confidence and intelligence, necessary for a CBE. The course acts as a stepping-stone to become an exceptional CBE, who can turn tables in a dynamic organization with the acquired insights.
Rocheston Certified Cybersecurity Specialist (RCCS)
The Securityone® is a next generation program offering a comprehensive understanding of fundamental cybersecurity approaches that need to be addressed within the ever-changing cyberspace. The RCCS program will primarily provide you with a working knowledge of all the fundamental threats to cybersecurity in our everyday life, and how to deal with them.
View detailed information on individual certification requirements.
Exam appointments may be made in advance or at least 48 hours before you wish to attend the test, subject to availability. The exam/appointment testing time limit noted on Pearson VUE web pages reflects the total appointment time, including an NDA, exam time, and survey.
Rocheston Certification Exams and Exam Preparation
Rocheston Certification exams are components of the Rocheston Certification Program. The exams are computer-based assessments of knowledge, competencies, and skills related to disciplines such as Implementation and/or Maintenance and use a multiple-choice format.
As preparation for Rocheston Certification exams, recommended courses and/or study materials are available.
Rocheston Certification Program Agreement
Prior to starting a Rocheston Certification exam, you will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions of the Rocheston Certification Program Agreement.
Exam Retake Policy
Allowed – with a fee
Candidates cannot take the test in the same event despite failing the exam. They will have to wait for the next event to take the exam by paying the required scheduling fee.
Exam Vouchers [if applicable]
Simplify administrative tasks with exam vouchers. Vouchers are prepaid exam certificates that enable corporations to manage administration of the certification program centrally and eliminate paperwork by distributing vouchers electronically.
Order your Rocheston exam vouchers today.
Contact us
Office hours
Telephone numbers
- 866-892-4380 (toll-free)
- +1-312-392-1738 (toll)
Last updated 2024-11-06