Already have an established certification program in your industry? Learn more about the benefits of delivering your existing exams to a military audience.
Reach motivated professionals
Providing your tests to the military gives you access to a large, dedicated, and important candidate market. Each year 200,000 of the approximately 2.4 million Service members in the military community transition out of the Service and into civilian careers. We’re proud to work with the U.S. Department of Defense to provide the military community with convenient access to professional credentials — an important part of the military lifecycle that includes career development planning, advancement, and transition preparation.
Expand your program’s footprint
Our military test center network includes more than 350 government and base-sponsored Pearson VUE® Authorized Test Centers worldwide. On-base testing provides the military community with a convenient opportunity to earn professional certifications through your program — certifications that validate experience and expertise and offer competitive advantages in and out of uniform.
Realize the value of strategic partnerships
We are dedicated to empowering military personnel by providing more than just exam delivery. We’ve developed and maintained close relationships with U.S. military and government leadership to provide invaluable experience and career development services to troops around the globe. Our efforts focus on raising exam funding awareness and identifying career support programs for the military community. This means that we make it easier than ever for Service members to access your industry’s leading credentials.