Reasonable adjustment request system

Frequent asked questions (FAQs)

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Once a decision has been reached regarding your accommodation request, you will see a blue check mark in the status column of your dashboard. Clicking on the ‘View’ link in the far right column will bring you to Step #6 of your submitted accommodation request.

Check mark on Exam Program Name, with View link shown

All documents related to your accommodation request including decision/determination letters will be in the “My Documents” section of Step #6 of your request. To view the decision/determination letter, click on the icon in the view column.

My Documents section showing view icon on right of table

If your accommodations were previously approved and have since expired, you may request an extension by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to Step 6 of your accommodation request. (For more information on how to navigate to Step 6 of your request, please see the “Where can I find the decision letter?” FAQ. 
  2. On Step #6 of your request, click the ‘Request an Extension’ button at the bottom of the page.
Request extension button shown at bottom of screen

3. Pressing this button will place the VUE – Extension.pdf document in the My Forms section of the page. Download/print this page and complete this request form.

VUE - Extension.pdf shown in My Forms section

4. When you press the “Request an Extension” button, the system automatically creates the ability for you to upload your completed extension request form under the My Documents section of Step #6. To upload your completed extension request form, click on the icon in the upload column.

Uploaded VUE - Extension.pdf show in my documents section

5. Once you have uploaded your completed extension request form, the system will remind you to click the submit button to send your request to the review team for review.

Reminder on top of the screen to click the Submit button

6. The request system will alert you via email once the review of your extension request is complete (which typically occurs within 10 business days).