Help your military community succeed

Explore the benefits of becoming a test center

Become a test center on a military base  Get started

African American soldier sitting at a computer taking a test

Lead the way as a military test center

On-base testing provides Service members with convenient and reliable access to professional credentials, which validate their experiences, confirm their expertise and support their military and civilian career advancement. To learn more, start by completing the on-base inquiry form.

The Certification Outlook (TCO) newsletter

Check out the most recent version of our newsletter, developed specifically for military test centers, so you can stay up to speed on the latest in military credentialing.

The Certification Outlook cover with four soldiers turned away and saluting the American flag
Graphic representing flyers stacked

Promote your test center

Explore a variety of informational and promotional flyers available for print, display, and distribution at your test center. Email to request printed copies shipped directly to your test center free of charge.

Offer leading certifications

Learn about the certifications available to your candidates from leading credentialing organizations.

Illustrative representation of flyers printed out and stacked