Deliver these exams at your Pearson VUE Authorised Test Centre

Exam programmes determine where their tests will be delivered, but this list gives you an idea of the exams you might have access to. In general, public authorised test centres in the United States deliver exams as part of a bundle; some exams may not be offered in all areas and exams cannot be granted individually.

Want to deliver exams outside the U.S.? Contact our regional channel sales team.


Some exam deliveries require an internet connection. For such Internet-based tests (IBT), a base network bandwidth plus 256 Kbps for each exam delivery workstation is required. Latency should not exceed 150 ms. This requirement can change depending on the number of workstations. Refer to the Technical Requirements for further details.

Please note: The links below will redirect you to our global website in U.S. English.